Sunday, September 15, 2013

                          Hey everyone, this is my 3rd entry into my week three of my blog! Last week i talked about how to find the best college of your fit. Hoped that helped the parents and or the students out on trying to make the best decision on your desired college (: This week I'm going to talk to you all about the steps to filling out the college information needed to get into college. 1st thing you got to do is the common app and  the FASFA form. 2nd thing is going to be any essay's that may be required by the college. 3rd thing you need is a resume highlighting any special clubs, volunteer work academic achievements, athletic accomplishments if any or any accomplishments through the school, awards, recommendations, and any work history. 4th thing is to MAKE SURE TO MEET ALL DEADLINES!!!       Theses are important dates that you're going to DEFINITELY keep in mind when doing these four steps on getting into college! I'm going to break it down to you in more detail for a month to month on what to do for college application etc! 

  1. September- ACT, letter of recommendations from teachers/coaches (Make sure to write a thank you letter to whoever you choose to have them write a recommendation for you!)
  2. October- Mail/send early applications(NOTE: If you do decide on early application you are validating that you want to go to that college and be at that college and no other college!) Print extra copies of applications and keep track of all deadlines!
  3. November- Request ACT scores to be sent to colleges that you want to attend, complete & submit all applications(Make Copies of Applications!)
  4. December- Take all necessary test ACT/SAT(Either or is fine, depends on the college your going to!) Meet with counselor/verify all is in order & transcripts have been sent!
  5. January- Prepare FASFA
  6. February- Submit FASFA, midyear report sent to college's applied, let college's know of any new honors or accomplishments!
  7. March- Register for any AP test(THAT'S only if your taking AP courses!) be sure to received FASFA acknowledgment.
  8. April- Review acceptances & financial aid offers received, go back & visit 1 or 2 of your choices, notify college of choice you have accepted offer and deposit pay by MAY 1st, notify colleges you chose not to attend of your decision.
  9. May- Take AP test(THAT'S only if your taking AP courses!)
  10. June- Graduate!!! (:
Here are some Essay Tips!
  • Make sure the tone reflects enthusiasm maturity, creativity, ability to communicate, talent + leadership skills
  • Proofread, Revise, Revise
  • Always answer questions asked specific, clearly + true to your personality.
  • Enlist help or reviewers: teachers, parents, counselors + friends/coachers
Here is some information of College Visits!
  • Read catalog, know about the university, look at website
  • Be prepared to answer questions in regard to personal strengths + weaknesses, what you are looking for in a college. 
  • You will be asked if you have any questions, never answer "No", it makes you seem uninterested. 

Well that's it for you guys/girls this week! Hopefully this information right here was VERY informative and really helps you out on what to do for your senior year of highschool! if you have any questions please please please ask me! I'll be sure yo answer any questions you may possibly have!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and enjoy your week of learning new things and happy college hunting!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hey guys, and welcome back to my 2nd entry to to Road to College blog!
OK so today I'm going to be talking about find the college for you! College finding is the hardest part about the process. Trying to find a college that fits you're personality, the community that you've grown up in and the transition to the college world is drastically different from each other! So first off what you want to do is look at the campus. Look whats around the college, how big it is, population and hot spots! That will tell you a whole lot about the college as a whole when it come's to the students and the student life. Once you've looked into that, the other thing you should check out is the groups, or programs that the students have created over the year. Once again that will show you what the university is like and what it's about as a whole! Sports is also another thing that will tell you a lot of what the school is about. Some schools are really focused on the spots and the energy that the sports give to the community and student community. Another thing that i look at when I'm college searching is i look at the events that happen with the college to see what the college does with the students and how they bring the student life together as a whole or as a unit as some people would say. One of the most important things to look at is the academics. See if it has your degree and see if the degree has the elevation that you're looking for. That can be from an associates all the way to a PhD. I'm personally going to school for game design and plan on getting my Masters in Game Designing! It's high standard for my self but i believe in my self which is the main part of college. Finding your inner you and your inner want for something. Hopefully today's blog helped out some High School Students and also helped out the parents reading this blog!
    Thanks for reading my blog and come back next week to find out what my next topic will be about!